The Institute of the Sisters of Service of Canada

Sister Joan Schafhauser (left) speaks with a member of her fitness class, Kingston, May 2014. (SOSA 9-06.55-1-12)

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Kingston (1995-present)

Sister Marilyn Gillespie was the full-time Roman Catholic chaplain at Pittsburgh Institution, a minimum security prison near Kingston, adjacent to the Joyceville Prison, where she served as chaplain for six years.

Sister Marilyn MacDonald served as massage therapist.

Sister Joan Schafhauser retired from active nursing at the Sisters of Providence public health long-term facility (1999-2003) and served as a parish nurse while living in a seniors apartment. She administered to in-house patients and instructed T’ai Chi Chih, a series of 20 easy movements developed to circulate and balance the energy within the body.

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